Who Lives in Our Outdoor Classroom?

Today we continued our exploration of the question Who Lives in Our Outdoor Classroom? We used a scientific collection sheet (“beat sheet” ) to collect samples of insects and bugs that live in the bushes and shrubs around our outdoor classroom. To do this student scientists held the edges of the collection sheet under a bush as another scientist gently shook the plant/tree. We discussed how to show respect and care for the plants as we carefully shook loose the insects that were living there. We examined the bugs and insects that fell onto the sheet. Afterwards we returned the bugs to their homes. Tomorrow we will continue our explorations using the collection sheet, magnifying glasses, and Proscopes. We will also be using field guides to identify what we find. In Writer’s Workshop today several authors chose to use the document camera to share their work with the class. Specifically they were sharing strategies they used to make their writing interesting that other authors could also use. We discussed using sound effects and speech bubbles, writing scientific texts, telling stories from our lives, and writing graphic novels. During choice time engineers designed a projector using rigamajig pieces. Other engineers designed a doll house for Calico Critters and a couple new beautiful sculptures.