Plants, Forests, and Salmon Eggs

As we delved deeper into our plant research, several more questions came up. Students wanted to know how plants eat and how they breathe. Students have been bringing in interesting leaves and pinecones. This week we began to learn about (and review) the process of photosynthesis. We are discussing how and why trees change colors. To answer these questions and others, we will visiting the Tillamook Forest next week for field explorations. Today we went on a campus walk to identify trees and their leaves. A few students remembered some of the tree names from their explorations in the Whales and from their home experiences. For others this was new information. Several students were wondering why (most) conifers don’t lose their leaves. This week we will studying trees and general plant processes in addition to our research on our specific plants. In our indoor classroom several students used wood blocks and forest animals to construct a dramatic play forest.

Last Wednesday we were thrilled to receive our salmon eggs! We started a science journal to record our observations of the eggs. We have been reading books about salmon and the salmon life cycle to learn more about the eggs.